Problems are always a thing whenever you’re at the office, and sometimes these problems seem too big to overcome. These things are inevitable in life – especially in entrepreneurship – but you and your business can get through any problem that rises. Just remember to follow these 4 steps by Fabián Narváez Tovar when dealing with any situation.
1. The first step is to relax when dealing with a problem
Whenever something stresses you, you are made up to react in a physical or emotional way that leads to a poor outcome and ends up triggering more stress. The effective way of dealing with problems is to create opportunities around them, which requires for us to analyze the situation calmly. So next time you face a problem that stresses you, take a deep breath and just think that solutions require space to develop.
2. Obstacles means opportunities
When you’re facing a difficult problem you are usually hating yourself, hating the problem, hating life. Instead, consider the opportunities that this challenge may be offering you. Obstacles are “things that blocks one’s way or prevents/hinders progress”. When things hit rock bottom, your creative instinct will kick in and start thinking about possible alternatives that you would have never considered. The benefit of being at your lowest in every situation is that most directions that follow will be positive.
3. Tomorrow is a new day
Yes, everything is a disaster. You have never been this stressed out before in your life. Your need for control has you thinking and obsessing for a solution that just doesn’t come and you feel bad about it. The best thing that you can do at this point is to quit it for today and start over tomorrow. If you start the next day with a positive attitude, you’ll be shocked by the progress you’ll achieve.
4. Meditate
If you really can’t stop thinking about all these problems, I would recommend you to sit for a moment, close your eyes and meditate. Since you cannot empty your mind, give your mind something specific on which to meditate. Draw your attention to everything around you. Notice the smells, the sounds in the room, in the hallway, out on the street, etc. You can also feel the sofa on which you’re seated, maybe play some relaxation music, whatever takes your mind off these problems. This technique will refresh your mind and boost your ability to solve these issues.