HISD has a lot to focus on while preparing for the 2018-2019 school year, including tackling the $115 million budget shortfall.
There is no getting around cuts. As outgoing superintendent Richard Carranza put it, HISD is broke.
The budget will see extreme cuts.
The district is expected to cut classroom teachers last.
Bus drivers and janitors could be the first ones to go. A few weeks ago, one school board member says, at a minimum, custodial services will be reduced.
Classrooms just won’t be cleaned every day. They may be cleaned once a week.
The board may decide to double up bus routes.
These are all real possibilities.
The board will also discuss the plan for finding a new superintendent, and who will take Carranza’s place in the meantime.
There are three options moving forward: Choose a short-term interim superintendent and launch a search committee, hire a long-term interim superintendent and delay the hiring process, or post the position and find a replacement immediately.
The public meeting is at 5 p.m. Thursday. The board will hold a closed meeting before that.