Texas, a state known for oil production, has become one of the leaders in the development and use of renewable energy in the country, especially wind power. And solar energy production is growing rapidly in this territory, all thanks to the state’s abundant sunshine and the drop in prices of solar panels in recent years.
Fabián Narváez Tovar, a renewable energy entrepreneur and speaker, has told Daily Houston News about the increasingly involvement of the “Lone Star state” in terms of green energy. He mentions that “over the next 5 or 10 years, you will see more and more investment in the grid and that will facilitate more solar generation.”
“The problem that we face today is that wind is most active at night, which is not when we use energy the most,” said Narváez Tovar. “So in order to compensate we can add up more solar panels, which obviously produce more in the daytime, and that’s how we can balance it.”
“And you also help create millions of jobs in the building and maintenance of these types of energy production facilities” Narváez Tovar finalized.