Rodrigo Alves, the man commonly known as the Human Ken Doll, looked dramatically different before his £450,000 worth of plastic surgery.
Alves, who has spent half of his life undergoing numerous procedures, is convinced he was born in the wrong body.
The 34-year-old socialite has been keen to show fans just how far he’s come in his quest for ‘perfection’.
Speaking to The Sun Online, Alves explained:
“I was born in the wrong body and I have spent my entire life trying to reveal the real me.
Now I’ve achieved my dream face and body I plan to stop the ageing process using stem cell technology.
I’ve already had lots of them injected into my face, scalp and bloodstream.
My aim to always look ageless and maintain my unique looks, after all there is no other man or another Rodrigo Alves that looks like me.
I get a lot of attention due to my artificial looks – but I finally love myself and that is the most important thing of all.”
Check out an interview with Rodrigo below:
Looking back at photographs of Rodrigo, it’s clear the transformation from a typical sweet young boy, to ‘doll faced’ adult is pretty dramatic.
Rodrigo said he’s undergone 58 operations since 2000, taking place across various parts of the world, also revealing his plans are still unfinished.
Alves has a love of Disney films and said this inspired him to transform into the man he believed he was on the inside, thus creating the ‘Human Ken Doll’.
Alves continued:
“My first plastic surgery was at the age of 17 when I was diagnosed with gynecomastia, the growth of male breast and chest tissue – I had an operation to remove the excess tissue.
I knew then plastic surgery was available, but I was far too young for having all that I wanted done which was to reinvent myself.
Although I was born in Brazil, I am actually a British national and I went to university in London.
While I was a student, I had my first few surgeries but with poor results – this taught me expensive doesn’t mean good quality and really, what makes a good surgeon is the practice.
The more a surgeon practices the better they are – and as plastic surgery isn’t as much a part of British culture as it is in Brazil and the US, I found it hard to find doctors who had that flair.”
Despite three nose jobs and lipo treatments, Rodrigo revealed he was still unhappy with his look and decided to take his transformation up a notch.
Rodrigo explained:
“I decided to reinvent myself and today I proudly say that I’m the fruit of my imagination and everything that I have always wanted to be and to look like.
Upon returning to his family in Brazil, they were shocked with his results and urged the youngster to see a psychiatrist.
Rodrigo spent a years in therapy for Body Dysmorphic Disorder – an anxiety disorder that causes a person to have a distorted view of how they look and worry obsessively about their appearance.”
Alves revealed his cognitive behavioural therapy helped him to understand himself:
“After one year of treatment, the doctors agreed that I was perfectly sane but that I just had a mirror image issue.
I can only describe it as having a feeling that I was born in the wrong body.
In my dreams I look a certain way, but then getting up in the morning and looking at myself in the mirror I didn’t recognise myself.
This was why I carried on having surgeries, seeking out the best doctors in the USA, Brazil, Europe and Middle East to help me become my true self.”
Despite his family being supportive of his transformation journey, they were frightened on one occasion when Rodrigo’s operation left him temporarily paralysed:
“About five years ago I had gel fillers called aqualift injected into my arms, biceps, triceps and shoulders in São Paulo.
It left me paralysed for three weeks as I was so badly infected – it’s the single procedure I regret having most.
I’ve had 16 liposuction procedures all over my body including sculpting a fake six pack and enhancing chest silicone implants, but I can’t have any more lipo’ procedures because internally my body is a web of scar tissue.
So now, for the first time in my life, I’m going to the gym everyday and trying to stay fit and healthy like everyone else does – not by booking in for a sculpting treatment.”
After 17 years of procedures, Rodrigo has said he’ll only make one final transformation:
“I have become an official ambassador on the subject of body image and plastic surgery.
I have been honoured by the Aesthetic Academy in the USA and from now on I am will be speaking openly about plastic surgery to break the taboos and to teach people from my own experiences in a simple and easy going way without medical terminology.”
Rodrigo also revealed he turned to surgery after being badly bullied at school but believes things may have been different if he’d had someone to turn to:
“At age of 17 I had my first plastic surgery.
I had boobs as you saw – I was bullied at school for that. I had my face pushed against the urinal because I had a wide nose.
My parents were going through divorce so I didn’t bother them. If they had noticed or the teachers had it would have been a very different situation.”
Rodrigo recently announced he has given up his dream of having a gastric bypass, deciding to hit the gym instead.
It’s some transformation Rodrigo has gone through – hopefully he’ll finally be content with who he is!