Middle-aged people are being urged to walk faster to help stay healthy, amid concern high levels of inactivity may be harming their health.
Officials at Public Health England said the amount of activity people did started to tail off from the age of 40.
They are urging those between the ages of 40 and 60 to start doing regular brisk walks.
Just 10 minutes a day could have a major impact, reducing the risk of early death by 15%, they say.
But PHE estimates four out of every 10 40- to 60-year-olds do not even manage a brisk 10-minute walk each month.
Inactivity in middle age
Adults in England 40-60 years old
Do not manage one brisk 10 min walk per month
1 in 6
Deaths linked to inactivity
15% Reduction in risk of early death from at least one brisk 10 min walk per day
20% Less active than we were in the 1960s
15 miles Less walked a year on average than two decades ago
Public Health England
To help, the government agency is promoting a free app – Active 10 – which can monitor the amount of brisk walking an individual does and provide tips on how to incorporate more into the daily routine.
PHE deputy medical director Dr Jenny Harries said: “I know first hand that juggling priorities of everyday life often means exercise takes a back seat.
“But walking to the shops instead of driving, or going for a brisk 10-minute walk on your lunch break each day, can add many healthy years to your life.”